Fisher V280 full-bore, trunnion-mounted, ball control valve provides dynamic process control with a robust drive train that guides the shaft to absorb energy in severe and specialty pressure and flow processes. Simplified construction and connections let V280 retrofit with single- or dual-ball seals, and add standard or customized noise-attenuating or anti-cavitation trims on the valve inlet or outlet to alleviate vibration, erosion and noise. V280 is a fully rated ANSI class 900 valve, available in 6-, 8-, 10-, 12- and 16-in. sizes.
Emerson elliptical end cap
Electrical I/O and/or pneumatic valves
Nitra Pneumatic Automation Link (PAL) series is a field I/O system that can include electrical I/O, pneumatic valves or a combination. They're controlled by an Ethernet/IP master or direct wiring (for exclusively pneumatic valves). All components are rated IP65, intended for machine mounting, and can be split into multiple subsystems with one master connection. Each assembly can support up to 40 I/O modules and 40 valve bases to control complex systems. Power, I/O and network connections are standard M8 or M12.
V02 monoflange valve assembly provides block-and-bleed capability for process or instrumentation control. Compatible with ½ in. to 3 in. standard, ASME-raised face and ring-joint flange connections, this valve system easily mates to existing common flange couplings. It also features 316L stainless-steel wetted parts, along with optional alternate materials, which allow V02 to stand up to a wide variety of pressure media with a maximum pressure rating of 6,092 psi at 428 °F (420 bar at 220 °C).
Ashcroft 203-385-0635;
Low-bleed, simple, fast, reliable positioner
Sipart PS100 is a low-bleed, simple, fast, reliable electro-pneumatic valve positioner that's quick to set up with one-button initialization and a user-friendly display. Control mode selection allows simple selection of the positioner’s behavior, similar to photo modes on a digital camera. Users can select between modes like on/off operation, precise control, fast control and booster applications. Sipart PS100 is available in two enclosure versions: aluminum or polycarbonate cover.
Camseal metal-seated, inline renewable, top-entry forged severe service ball valves are available in ½ in. through 4 in. sizes with socket weld, butt weld and flanged ends. Supplied in pressure classes from ASME 900 through 4500, Camseal ball valves save labor, materials and downtime, and usually achieve inline renewability 30 minutes. Its cartridge is conveniently removed for in-situ parts replacement and reassembly. No valve removal, welding and PWHT are required, which is important with F91 valves.
Conval 860-749-0761;
M Series from Gem Sensors saves power in a solenoid valve for sub-miniature, two- and three-way, pneumatic and select liquid applications. They exceed performance requirements in battery-powered applications, and can serve in extreme, low-wattage conditions. M Series' consistent, high-speed response time, and reliable operation over 200 million cycles, ensure extended performance and precise flow control in a small, lightweight package.
EDP300 digital valve positioner is suitable for single- or double-acting actuators with linear or rotary motion. Its user-friendly, text-based HMI provides full function description with only four buttons, while its built-in intelligence lets it adapt to any control valve at the push of a button. EDP300's other functions include pressure sensor-based diagnostics, valve static and dynamic friction detection, and partial stroke testing. Its high air-output capability lets users employ one positioner type on all control valve brands and sizes.
ABB Inc. 800-829-6001;
CMA electric actuators provide quarter-turn, rotary or linear operation. They're powered by single-phase or direct-current, have 0.1% accuracy and repeatable position control, and include a permanently lubricated, maintenance-free drive train. Options include local manual control and an LCD display. Communication options include HART, Foundation Fieldbus, Profibus, Pakscan, DeviceNet, RIRO and Modbus. Explosion-proof certification is available.
R.G. Laurence on/off control valves are ATEX-certified and Factory Mutual-approved. R.G. Laurence 2500 series two-way globe-type piston valves are operated by an external lever connecting the lifting action of the linear actuator to the valve piston via a rotary shaft. This lets them leverage more force when operating the valve. Because their magnetic plunger and solenoid are mounted outside and away from the valve body, R.G. Laurence valves can also handle up to 425 °F fluid temperatures, including steam.
Circor International
Diaphragm valve with smart actuator
e-Diastar five-series diaphragm valve with dEA smart actuator is an electric valve that allows easy, fast retrofitting of GF's manual diaphragm valves without disassembly. It controls volume flows automatically, and automates hand-operated valves that are isolated or inaccessible to compressed air. e-Diastar is reported to be more than twice as fast at cycling as other valves, and has a high-flow valve body that doesn't restrict flow. It can be controlled as open/closed, perform 4-20mA positioning, and use Profibus or Modbus.
GF Piping Systems 800-854-4090;
Research Control Valve's smart electric valve actuator (SEVA) has military-grade components, and provides accuracy and repeatability. It features diagnostics such as position history, event history, cycle count, alarms and precision adjustment. SEVA provides SoloCUE software at no added cost that combines interface with intelligence; accepts signals from EtherNet/IP, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP and HART; uses selectable voltage, AC or DC, or both at the same time; and holds FM, CSA, ATEX and CE certifications.
Badger Meter
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